Section M- Merchandising

There are lots of merchandised products around, particularly pertaining to The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy which has become infamous for its ventures into everything from towels and T-shirts to computer games and coasters.

Obtaining the books themselves should be done through bookshops, online or in the real world- see Y. The bibliography for the information you need for those. Instead, this section concerns 'everything else'...

M.1. BBC Merchandise

The canonical address for most Douglas Adams stuff used to be:

This might or might not be valid information for the BBC.

M.1.1. US & Canada
US orders can be directed to BBC Worldwide Americas via their web site or tel. 1-800-2-61-BBC ext 18. Apparently the US licensing for the CD set is currently expired, which means it cannot be ordered through them at the moment.

Canadian customers interested in home video products should contact BBC Worldwide Americas or tel. 212 705 9300 ext. 492.

This information may be out of date.

M.2. German merchandise

2001, a German mail order form whose name will seem irrelevant when 2002 comes around, supply German versions of the books, comics and videos (as well as other stuff) and can be contacted at:

A live CD of Douglas Adams' first reading in Goettingen in March of 1994 is also available from 2001. It's in English:

However, because of regulations, they are unable to send CDs, MCs or LPs to foreign countries. Furthermore, the minimum order is DM50.

M.3. ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha merchandise

ZZ9 can provide most if not all of the available BBC merchandise cheaper than the items are available in the shops, as well as unique merchandise not available anywhere else, including a large number of T-shirts, towels, mugs, coasters, stickers, pens. However, their merchandise service is only available to members of the club. See the FAQ section Z.3. ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha for more details.

M.4. Where can I find Douglas Adams-related...

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