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Our Froup


I (heart) my froup
Originally an ascii-art post to %afda by Screwtape


newsfroup // n.

[Usenet] Silly synonym for newsgroup, originally a typo but now in regular use on Usenet's talk.bizarre, and other lunatic-fringe groups. Compare hing, grilf, pr0n and filk.

From The Jargon File
> Why is this place called a "froup"?

Because diskussionsfruppsmeddelandet is too hard to spell.

Screwtape (in the froup, of course)
More definitions of "froup" can be found here


While this post from Kåre, which explains some of the froup's quirks, may not be accurate, it is at least, definitively inaccurate (and probably also out-of-date by now):

  From: Kaare Fiedler Christiansen <>
  Subject: Re: Fun poll: First contact with HHG
  Date: 19 August 1999 12:43 (Fair Lola) writes:


  > Alright ... call me a newbie if you will, but wasn't it the almighty 
  > Bob? Where did Jacob come in?  ::confused::

  Well, Susan, I understand you confusion. Let me try to put a bit of the 
  froup mentality to paper (or rather: screen).

  but first:

  DISCLAIMER: The following may seem offensive to people who feel strongly 
  for the froup, and believe that any attempt to explain it is an act of 
  heresy. Please do not read on if you feel that way.


  In lack of Douglas Adams things to discuss, we tend to go insane and write 
  infinitely improbably things, on this froup (like inventing meanings for 
  typos like froup: Way back in the old days someone (trll??) wrote froup, 
  and we immediately adopted this way of writing (as short for froody group) 
  to the point where we accept none other.

  The Jacob incident occurred when Jacob once said that we were all figments 
  of his imagination. This statement became so popular that everyone now 
  uses this a basis for all knowledge and wisdom. Jacob was at that point a 
  very frequent poster. By now, in his senior year of high school, he feels 
  he doesn't have the time to post as much as he used to. At a point we all 
  made a revolution to forget Jacob, but this revolution has now ended, and 
  we do again firmly believe that Jacob has imagined us all.

  Meg's Lives is an old story. It goes waaaay back to when I was a newbie in 
  the froup. Which is no more than a year and a half ago. someone claimed 
  not to have a life. Meg said that he could have one of hers: "I've 
  got plenty. People keep handing them to me, saying I need one. I wonder 
  why they do that" I then requested to have it as email. Since then, 
  Meg has been official supplier of lives. Oh, and they work great. At least 
  the Hooloovoo ones (I got the last one in that colour, though). Don't let 
  anyone tell you anything else.

  ObRef are either "Obvious References" or "Obscure 
  References" usually to douglas works, but sometimes to something else 
  instead. At some point someone started handing points out when people got
  them right. It's kinda stuck, so although points are only exchangeable
  for other points we keep giving them away.

  Hmm... I think that's more or less what I can remember on froup mentality. 
  Welcome again, Susan.

  Kaare Fiedler Christiansen               
  Please add NOSPAM for sending spamletters :-)
  Come on, everyone else makes typos!!!                       --kristen
  Visit the 256 bytes gaming page at



#afda: In the history of the froup (see above) several people have elected to create Douglas Adams chat rooms on various Online WebChat sites. Unfortunately, due to a combination of absence of DNA himself, and the high quotient of geeks in %afda (who dislike webchat on principle) they were doomed to failure. After much arguing about rival online chat systems, the old and faithful IRC was elected the Official chat technology.

We meet on, in the channel #afda.

Unlike the (official) purpose of %afda, #afda tends not to be about DNA, but more about %afda. It also tends to be very quiet for long periods time - if you've got not much to do and IRC access, you might care to leave yourself logged in as you do other stuff so that you can catch people as they wake up. The other Notable Feature of #afda is nemo, or wombat. nemo is one of the founding people of slashnet, and also reads and occasionally posts to %afda. He does leave himself logged into #afda pretty much 24/7, but isn't necessarily watching for anywhere near that amount of time. When he's wants you to think he's not watching, he calls himself wombat. When he wants you to think he is watching, he's nemo. However, wombat has been known to talk, and nemo frequently doesn't say anything. [Screwtape, Tag, iain]


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