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Sing-a-long with afda

The Froupie Song

Posted to %afda by MEow on 27th March 2003


Apologies to Monty Python

I'm a froupie now and I'm okay,
I post all night and I post all day.

(It's a froupie now and it's okay,
it posts all night and it posts all day).

I make my posts,
I eat my lunch,
I go to the lavatory:
On all days I'm in my froup,
To have InsaniTea

I'm a froupie now...etc...

I make my posts,
I skip and jump,
I've never eaten spleen.
I don't put on my clothing,
I just look at the screen

I'm a froupie now...etc...

I make my posts,
I make high stats,
Suspension drives me mad.
I wish I had a Real Life,
but Real Life makes me flat.

I'm a froupie now...etc...


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