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Cooking with afda


Posted to %afda at the start of September 2000

(This is real, useful stuff folks!)


Last night I made spaghetti for myself. (I'm so proud of my cooking ventures!)

I did, however, make too much. So I stuck some in the fridge. Now, say, theoretically, I would like to heat this spaghetti to finish consuming it. I lack a microwave and I can't think of any other way of reheating it that doesn't result in noodles crusting onto cookware.

How does one reheat already noodled spaghetti? (As opposed to unnoodled spaghetti which is hard and crunchy.)

I am quite hungry, so any response is appreciated. I might have to go with cold spaghetti. Erm.

I called my grandmother and she said that if you have sauce, you should put the sauce and the spaghetti in a saucepan and mix them together. Then, put the saucepan on the stove and proceed to warm.

If you don't have any sauce, add a couple of tablespoons of water to the pasta before you heat it.

Either way, you need to watch it to make sure it doesn't dry out. If it looks like it's drying out, just add a little more water.

Happiness! I *do* have sauce, so that's what I'll do. =) Please tell your grandmother thank you for keeping a college student from starving. =)

Next time you can try a pancake-pan with margarine or butter, middle heat, put cooked spaghetti in, take one or two eggs, put them in, too (of course, only the inner part), take a forke, stir, add things like cheese, onions (small parts of), spices, stir, watch out that the noodles don't burn, turn everything off, eat.

Ooo, a tip from here, too: Put a great layer of cheese on top of the spaghetti before you put it in the oven - then it's a little like lasagna and the top spaghetti doesn't get dried up. Mmm, you made me hungry...

Fry it, and while you're at it you can throw in some different vegetable too and some flavouring to mkae it interesting - or put it in an ovendish with for instance a can of tomatoes for moisture, some flavouriing and bake it...


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