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Sing-a-long with afda

Bob's Your Uncle

Posted to %afda by Sarah Lucas on 1 September 2000

"Bob's Your Uncle"
to the tune of "Venus," Bananarama (of all people!)

In the employment office,
Happy grin and silver hair,
He'll give the most perfect job,
Though you don't really care.

You've got it!
That job, you've got it!
Well, Bob's your uncle,
Your mother's brother, Bob's your uncle!
Well, Bob's your uncle,
Your mother's brother, Bob's your uncle!

You're sitting at your cushy desk,
Handwritting uninspired.
Though all are better than you,
You never will get fired.


Repeat first verse


With thanks to Nikitta, who put the silly tune in my head in the first place.
Also to the Lyrics Archive (also in Portugese!).


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